Apparently the flash on a camera startles sleeping babies--who knew?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
genetics and hand-eating
Apparently the flash on a camera startles sleeping babies--who knew?
Monday, July 27, 2009
necessity is the mother of compromise. oh yeah--and invention, too.
I read a whole lot of books about babies while I was pregnant. Books about getting pregnant, being pregnant, buying baby stuff, things that can go wrong, things that can go right, having babies, feeding babies, getting them to sleep/wake/eat/get to their college classes on time. Books have been enormously helpful. In fact, I'm still reading books--I keep two or three close at hand in my little nursing niches so that I can grab them whilst my body is immobilized and I remember all the baby-related questions that have cropped up in the previous few hours. And let's not even mention the hours I've spent combing the internet... All this inquiry has taught me such useful tidbits as:
- What cradle cap is, and how to fix it
- How to use a vacuum cleaner to put a baby to sleep
- That breastmilk can taste like garlic
- That babies apparently like garlic-flavored mommy-nosh
- How to swaddle a baby so securely they won't get out on their own before kindergarten
- ...and many other useful things.
When it comes down to it, though, there are times (and plenty of them) when I've just had to stuff the books and magazines under a pillow so their authors won't witness me going absolutely against their advice. Like when we put Lily to sleep in the swing again even though this will apparently ruin the chances that she will ever put herself to sleep before she's 50. And when we don't change Noah for the third time in an hour because he's finally quiet and sleepy, and maaaaybe that squishy sound was really just gas.
Because I am not perfect, and my children apparently did not read all those books to know what they were supposed to do. And sometimes, I just need to bend the rules a little if I'm ever going to find time to sleep. (Or get to that stupid laundry.) And the reasonable part of me figures that Noah and Lily just might grow up happy despite all the compromise.
And now, further evidence in pictures: When two babies are crying and hungry at once, you improvise. A rubber band attached to the mobile of the baby papasan chair can feed a baby.And when baby equipment keeps taking up all your sleeping spaces, you just sort of make do:
And when they don't make baby seats and helmets small enough, you find other ways:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
two months in
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
noah's traumatic event and other updates
Lily's fussiness has been a lot better lately, thank goodness! We were hunkering down for a few months of solid crying, since she seemed to meet the "official" criteria for having colic and colic generally lasts awhile. Every evening and into the night, we would enter an odyssey of wailing and screaming, courtesy of our little princess. But about a week ago, Lily had a really good night. And then another one the next day. And she's had one every night since. Right now it's 10:30 and she's in bed in the bassinet (not the swing!), sleeping soundly. This is an absolute miracle, in my opinion. I have no idea whether our good luck will continue or not, but it's nice for now!
And now for some pictures. We propped Noah up in the big comfy glider and noticed he was cute, so we took a picture:
And then we piled on Lily, and it was even cuter. It almost seemed as if they were beginning to appreciate each other's company...
...until Noah started trying to latch on to Lily's head. Again. So much for brotherly love.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Several nights ago, Scott and I were in the living room and a show about adoption was on TV. This couple was trying to adopt an 18-month-old Indian boy who had had a trachaeotomy. Because of the trach, he couldn't talk or make noises. It was the weirdest thing to watch him cry pitifully without making a sound. Scott was on the computer and hadn't been watching, so I said, "Hey look, that boy has a trach, so he doesn't make any noise when he cries!" Without missing a SECOND, Scott looks up and says, "How much does that cost?"
And then last night we were entertaining Lily away from fussiness, and started thinking and talking about how tiny her little organs must be. This led us to contemplate her tiny little girl organs, and the fact that she already has all her eggs. And then we made the jump to thinking about Lily having babies. Scott told her very seriously that she was WAY too young to have babies, that she was simply not mature enough. And it was just so funny, sitting there thinking of Lily, who can't take care of herself enough to even know why she's crying half the time, taking care of her own fussy babies. Baby Lily and her teensy little babies, just sitting there crying together.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Auntie Em and air conditioning
In other news, I have begun the long road to getting myself back into shape. Apparently, going nearly a year without breaking a sweat is not the best way to maintain one's physical fitness. I've never been much of an athlete, but I like to be able to run (well, jog at least) 2-3 miles. Once the presence of two parasites was discovered in my abdomen, I was restricted to walking. I planned to keep up with exercise through the pregnancy, but by the end the only sport I could manage was couch-sitting. And then after the c-section I wasn't really supposed to do much exercise for 6 weeks.
And now 6 weeks have passed and I am cleared to work out again. So the other day I went for a "run". I use the term loosely--I wouldn't use it at all, but to say "I dragged my sorry carcass around the block at slightly faster than a walk" isn't very concise. It wasn't my best performance, to say the least. Suffice it to say that, after this "run", I feel as though I've been hit by a truck. Good thing I have my flubby leftover twin-belly to laugh at me in the mirror and motivate me to keep exercising.
And now for pictures! Here's the first baby-smile caught on camera... (it's Lily)
And here's Noah, demonstrating the proper way to slip into a milk coma: (I had to hold his hand there whilst Daddy grabbed the camera)