Although this wasn't actually AT the party, Daddy spent quite a bit of time making blocks for Noah and Lily. It'll be a while before they can fully appreciate all the construction capabilities, but they already enjoy knocking them down!
I went and picked up the balloons for the party while the babies were napping, and they were quite impressed when they woke up:
In case you can't tell, the big balloons are a dragonfly (I thought it was a butterfly when I ordered it) and an elephant. They have been quite fun. They're still "alive", though they are quickly dying, and the babies are still fascinated by them.
And, since it wouldn't be a birthday without cake... The small cakes were for Noah and Lily, the big cake was for most of the rest of us, and the cupcakes were for any small dairy-allergic partygoers.
They didn't need a lot of explanation on what to do with their cakes:
Noah pursues star power:
"Oh, uh-oh, I think I got a little something on my hand..."
Noah was the most talented at making an incredible mess.
Even Lily can't quite understand quite how he got THAT messy.
After the cake and a lengthy clean-up, it was on to presents! There were a LOT of them. The kiddos didn't quite have the expertise or the stamina to stay focused to get through them all:
Luckily, they had a couple of professional present-openers to help out. Jenna was very excited to help Noah open the present she and her mommy brought:
And Dylan was happy to demonstrate how this EXTREMELY loud toy worked. Notice the shocked looks on everybody's faces!
I was very proud of the cute plushy doll I found for Lily. She liked it too, and immediately gave it a big kiss:
By the end of the presents, our living room looked like the toy section of Wal-Mart had exploded. There were like 10 other people there, but it was standing room only for the rest of the crowd.
Other pictures of birthday party fun:
Okay, this one isn't from the actual party--it's not even from the visit. But I realized I didn't take any good pictures of Michael and his fiancee Danielle. So I stole a picture from facebook: